This month at SYMPOSIUM…

It’s been another busy month at SYMPOSIUM HQ, so we thought we’d take some time to share some exciting updates.

As always, the best way to find out our latest updates is on our social media channels, but here’s a brief overview of the highlights, in case you missed them…

SYMPOSIUM coffee house Turriff


If you follow us on Facebook, you’ll have seen that we announced that we will soon be opening a SYMPOSIUM coffee house in Turriff. Our team are working hard on the renovations, and we can’t wait to share more with you all. We’ll be opening the doors in Spring 2022, so keep an eye out on our social media channels for more updates.


SYMPOSIUM is coming to Glasgow!


As many of you know, we currently operate within the fantastic Spaces facility in Aberdeen.

Well… this week we announced that we will soon be opening in SPACES Glasgow!

We’re so excited for the opportunity to bring SYMPOSIUM to a brand new city, and can’t wait to see where this journey takes us.

You’ll be able to find us at the 3 Glasgow Spaces locations:

  • West Regent Street (open to the public)
  • West George Street (Spaces members only)
  • Charing Cross (Spaces members only)

We’ll be opening in West Regent Street on the 28th of February, with the two other locations to follow shortly after. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for more updates coming very soon.



Keep up to date with the latest news from SYMPOSIUM


This is just an overview of what we’ve been up to lately, but if you want to make sure you’re always up-to-date with what’s happening at SYMPOSIUM, make sure to follow us on social media:

Until next time!